Thursday, May 31, 2007

Work Day Reminder

Just a quick note to remind everyone that the work day is this Saturday out at the Loo. We'll be dodging rain and bugs to get the short bus in tip top shape.

Meet us around the crack-a-noon or before.

-Nate S.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

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Pinatas are cool.

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Alley Catting kicks ass!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dates, Dates and more Dates!!!

Ok, just a tenitive schedule of dates after chatting with the FL.

Training Rides:
There will only be one more instead of two more. We will be forgoing the trip to the Ozarks for a training ride (although there is rumor of a party lake weekend on the Baaarrrgge later in the summer). We are also passing up on the KC-Lawrence-KC training ride. Instead we will be doing another ride in Manhattan on the weekend of June 30-July 1. Details to follow soon.
We has also talked about doing the KC-Lawrence-KC ride AFTER RAGBRAI as a post-ride celebration.

Make-Up Work Weekend:
We NEED to make up the work weekend to get the Porta-Party in tip-top shape. The FL is looking at the weekend of June 2-3. Put these dates in your calendars and your brain. Dan will have more info later.

That's all for now!!! Oh, I will be at the lake this weekend, but I may have time to get the training ride pics up. Keep an eye out.

-Nate, Web Beyotch

Sunday, May 6, 2007

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Dan's got a store in OK!