Nooner UP!
From the Dan:
The Port-A-Party is back to purring like a little kitty. No more smoke! No more using water! We didn't find any cracks in any of the gaskets, but while removing the intake and the heads, we noticed some bolts that were not tightened down properly, so that may have been the problem. Whatever is was, it's fixed now.
My Pop and I drove up early Friday morning and began tearing it apart. By friday night we had the engine torn down to the block- it was a scary sight. On Saturday we put it all back together and started it up around 4 o'clock. She belched out one final puff of white smoke and then it was perfectly clear from then on.
The drive home was a long and lonely one, but I finally rolled into the driveway just after 1am Sunday. It's just no fun at all riding on that bus without friends. I was so lonely I could cry.
Thanks for all your prayers, thoughts, buhda rubbings, and "no whammies". I think that's what got us through. That, and Linda's home cookin! Once again, she took good care of us.
For the Manhattan folks, the bikes are mounted and all your bags are loaded on the bus. I'll drive it in tomorrow and we can unload at Steve's house, or at work- whatever works.
The Port-A-Party is back to purring like a little kitty. No more smoke! No more using water! We didn't find any cracks in any of the gaskets, but while removing the intake and the heads, we noticed some bolts that were not tightened down properly, so that may have been the problem. Whatever is was, it's fixed now.
My Pop and I drove up early Friday morning and began tearing it apart. By friday night we had the engine torn down to the block- it was a scary sight. On Saturday we put it all back together and started it up around 4 o'clock. She belched out one final puff of white smoke and then it was perfectly clear from then on.
The drive home was a long and lonely one, but I finally rolled into the driveway just after 1am Sunday. It's just no fun at all riding on that bus without friends. I was so lonely I could cry.
Thanks for all your prayers, thoughts, buhda rubbings, and "no whammies". I think that's what got us through. That, and Linda's home cookin! Once again, she took good care of us.
For the Manhattan folks, the bikes are mounted and all your bags are loaded on the bus. I'll drive it in tomorrow and we can unload at Steve's house, or at work- whatever works.
There will be a final report forthcoming once I get my shat together. Also, if you've got RAGBRAI pics from this year email them to me and I will begin work on posting those to the website.-Nate, The Web Beyotch
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