Monday, March 19, 2007

Web Beyotch Drunken Thoughts...

You ever get to the point on a cool, but warm night of drinking where all of your thoughts come flowing into your head faster than you can convalesce them into thoughts? Well, that's where I am tonight. After three margaritas and an innumerable about of Wild Turkey and somethings I have found the thoughts moving faster than I can. So this is my attempt to latch onto some of those thoughts and let it ride...

First off. Music. There is some music that just speak to me. Don't get me wrong, I like just about all of it, but there is some music out there that when I am in the right state of mind helps to get in touch with not only myself, but (dare I say) all of life; be it human or otherwise. Most times this music is some good 'ole Folk/Country/Blues. Why is this? Is it because this music speaks to me because I am a folky/country/bluesy kind of guy? Possibly. I would like to think, though, that it is because this kind of music, in the right state of mind, speaks to the human side of us. The human side that came from the backwoods. That came from the bayou. That came from the paraie. We all came from there at some time. None of can draw our heritage from the cities and urban areas alone. We are human, we are animals, and we ARE nature. We are part of it. When I hear this music I remember that and those days when times were slower and simpler. When times are slower and simpler your brain tends to wander and think about things and the life that you're leading currently....

So, here I am. Thinking about not only my life and what I am doing, but also the lives of all the other people in this world and the lives that their leading. I can't help to think that if we just could think back to the times when life was simpler and we were all happy that we would be happy. However, I do realize that for many people on this earth those times when they were happy their neighbors, who thought differently from them, weren't happy. Thereby meaning that if everyone tried to reach this happiness there would be conflicts. Maybe that's where we are now. Maybe...

So, what is a man in KC to do about his happiness? I don't know. That would suck if that's all I could come up with...I don't know. No Se. My Spanish teacher never liked that answer and I don't like it now. What make us happy? Not a boat or a car or no debt or so much money you could wipe your ass with $100 bills. What would really make you so happy that you could live you life without a care about the world around you? Can we even do this now-a-days? Are we too much of a global society? Is being a global society a bad thing? We all live on this rock together don't we???

Hmmm, maybe we can't ALWAYS ignore the rest of the world, but we can still find happiness in our own little world. Maybe that's why I drink. Maybe I drink to find my own little world of happiness. However, I can find me own little world of happiness in a forest with my campfire and some chow without any alcohol. There are other things that I could have with me that would make me be happier, but that, I think is always true. Maybe that happiness is the slowness and the simpleness of life.

Maybe happiness is ignorance. Maybe happiness is just living your life the way you want without impeding anyone else. Maybe happiness is just living you life waiting around to die.

-Nate, the Webpage Philosopher


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